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Routines 2 years ago

5 Ways To Set Your Day Up For Success

Life moves a mile a minute and if you’re anything like us, you’re always on the go bouncing from meeting to meeting, trying to find some balance and calmness in it all. 

To keep us feeling our best, we’ve implemented easy practices that ground us, nourish the soul, and empower us to tackle whatever the day throws at us. 

Here are five simple ways to set your day up for success that’ll make a huge difference in your everyday vibe. Once you keep up with your new habits it really will become like second nature! 

#1: Stay Hydrated 

This one is at the top of the list for a reason. Drinking enough water and staying hydrated really is the best way to feel your best. In addition to keeping your skin happy and hydrated, a big sip of water can help keep hunger pangs at bay and aid with digestion. If plain water doesn’t inspire you, make it a spa moment by adding some lemon slices and mint sprigs. Try a fancy glass too, it makes it more visual and you'll want it by your side! 

To add even more wellness benefits to your H2O, try a few teaspoons of the Welleco Super Elixir in your water, almond milk, or coconut water. There are a variety of flavors available and it’s the quickest way to get all the essential vitamins your body, skin, hair, and nails need.

Keep A Calendar

If you find yourself flustered over your schedule and often miss important deadlines and meetings, it's time to get on the calendar train. Whether it’s an old-school agenda that you write in or you’re using an app, keeping track of your day-to-day duties will become a breeze. Plus you’ll feel in control and organized which is the most satisfying feeling in the world! 

Prep Your Meals 

While we love a meal out at our favorite restaurants, meal prepping is a great practice to start implementing on Sunday's. It really helps to set you up for the week's success to ensure you're on track eating healthy and nourishing foods to give you energy and vitality. 

All it requires is a couple of hours post-grocery shopping to clean, chop, organize and divide you foods so that it makes for easy cooking and meal making. You’ll truly feel like a superhero when you see that your cooking is complete for the whole week ahead.

Move Your Body 

We all know that movement of any kind is beneficial - no matter if you’re into cardio workouts or love getting your daily steps in. Getting out and moving your body is key to keeping a positive mindset, gives you energy, boosts your mood, circulation and digestion. 

Not sure where to start? Get a great sweat with Rachel Fitness. Her 30-minute workouts are super fun, quick, and challenging, plus you’ll feel powerful and more connected to your body than ever. Rachel offers live streams on Instagram and also just launched her own subscription service with customized workout plans available. 

If you have trouble staying accountable, a great tip is to add your workouts into your calendar to help you stay on track!

Find Time For Yourself

Carving out some time for your own self-care routine is more important than ever before. Whether it’s doing a quick sheet mask while on a work call (camera’s off!), stretching, a relaxing bath, turning your phone on airplane mode, deep breaths with essential oils, or indulging in a luxurious and transformative facial at Gee Beauty, you deserve it. Making the time and effort for yourself not only makes you feel renewed but it helps you be the best version of yourself for those you love & care about. 

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